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The Woodlands School

School Uniform

About school uniform and where to buy

School uniform gives pupils a sense of belonging, can reduce anxiety and supports routines. 

All students should wear the school uniform.

Sew on school logos and logoed uniform can be purchased at Maises in Wolverton, alternatively un-logoed uniform can be worn. 

tel. 01908 313313

Link to Shop  


PE & Swimming Kit

All pupils need a PE kit in a bag consisting of:

  • White t-shirt

  • Black shorts

  • Trainers or plimsolls

On swimming days, please send your child in with swimming bag containing:

  • A towel

  • Appropriate Swimwear (no bikinis)

  • If required a swimming nappy

Remember to label your child's items.

What is the school uniform

Please label all clothes clearly, thank you.

The School uniform consists of:

  • Green jumper

  • White Polo Shirt

  • Grey Trousers / Skirt

  • Black shoes, inc. trainers that are mainly black

  • Comfortable clothes in the school colours

In 6th Form students 

Comfortable clothes in dark colours black or navy blue 

Other clothing for school

Pupils also need the following for outdoor activities:

  • An appropriate rainproof for the weather

  • Welly boots or similar

  • If possible waterproof trousers (especially for younger pupils)

Change of clothes many young people have accidents or get messy when they are learning, so it is usually good to have a extra set of labelled clothes in a bag for them.